Tuesday, March 30, 2010

KarmaTube: BE the Change!

(by Bobby McFadden. Click to watch the video)

The Video is pretty funny. Not the original one.

Here is a little song I wrote, You might want to sing it note for note.
Don't worry be happy.

In every life we have some trouble. When you worry you make it double.
Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head. Somebody came and took your bed.
Don't worry, be happy.

The land lord say your rent is late. He may have to litigate .
Don't worry, be happy.

Lood at me I am happy. Don't worry, be happy.
Here I give you my phone number. When you worry call me.
I make you happy. Don't worry, be happy.

Don't worry, be happy!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Books I'm Currently Reading

Dru's currently-reading


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Aged Advertisers

I'm really amused by the TED Podcast below, because I've been around as long as he has and seen all the changes he talked about. From ad designers who could actually draw to the minimalization brought about by the cranking out of "graphic artists" who had learned how to use a computer but didn't know the first thing about design. And now I guess we are perhaps coming around again full circle. Too soon to tell.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Loathed Microsoft

Apparently there are no Typefaces (um, excuse me, Fonts) that come with an accented d. But in my title I definitely mean Loath-ed with the accent on the last syllable. I just tried to use my task manager (which has itself  become less useful over the years only to find--YEE GADS! It opens a window with no tabs, no way to minimize or close it, and it stays always on top.

Thank you Microsoft, for making my life, once again, just a little bit more difficult. After a while, I suppose I'll be stone crazy and they'll cart me off jibbering to the looney bin.


Monday, March 22, 2010

The Sassy Curmudgeon: Weekend Mailbag

The Sassy Curmudgeon: Weekend Mailbag

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cyclist's Flower Power Spreads the Love

Potholes are worse this year thanks to the freezing weather, but one man has taken an unusal approach by planting primroses. Pete Dungey has been tirelessly ridding Oxford of its potholes by filling potholes with primroses.

Photograph: Pete Dungey
I read once that the best way to tackle a muddy path full of puddles when on a mountain bike was to take a leap of faith and plough straight through the middle of them, but is not a technique to be employed in rush hour when faced with what looks like a puddle but which is, in fact, a water-filled pothole. Fixing a blown out front tyre with nail varnish and a plaster is a story for another day
The pothole situation has worsened dramatically this winter when water which had seeped into cracks in the road then froze, opening them up. There's been a substantial spike in reports but councils are taking notice and acting upon it, filling them in. The problem is they can't get everywhere to find them in the first place. About30-40% of the holes that are reported are dealt with.

But one man has had enough. And he's using flowers to prove it. Forget stuffing them down the barrels of guns, Pete Dungey has been tirelessly ridding Oxford of its potholes by filling them up with primroses. "It began as part of a project called 'subvert the familiar'," says the graphic design student. "I wanted to do something that would grab attention but also raise awareness of an issue, and so the project was born. I have been planting the gardens for about a fortnight now and see it as an ongoing thing."

"Potholes are a big problem that could be eradicated quite simply. Hopefully it's something that grabs attention and raises awareness although I wouldn't call myself a renegade cyclist." Pete currently works alone but he's hoping other people will follow his example. If you do, he's asking you to take a snap and email it to him via his website.

As a mountain biker I'm all in favour of practising my swerving skills before work, zig-zagging between pot holes. Roger, however, has some more useful advice for urban cyclists: "Firstly, try not to go through any puddles. But more importantly – and certainly more importantly than usual – don't hug the kerb, because that's where most of them are."

Talking about the Self


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lifebox -- Thinking Outside the Box!

We all share the common desire to leave the Earth a better place for our children, and for future generations. The problems of pollution and environmental degradation can sometimes seem so vast that it's hard to know where to start. What can we do?

We can show our children that we care about their future, and the future of their children’s children, by actively participating in clever and innovative solutions to re-green the Planet.

The Life Box™ is one solution. It was invented by Paul Stamets, mycologist, author and founder of Fungi Perfecti®, LLC. The Life Box™ suite of products builds upon the synergy of fungi and plants by infusing spores and seeds together inside of packaging materials that can be planted.

How Does The Life Box™ Work? We have done the hard work—all you need to do is to follow our simple instructions. We have several versions of the Life Box™ in development. Our first version uses trees, and is aptly called the Tree Life Box™.

You can get started by simply tearing up the panel, planting in soil, and watering. For a more detailed planting guide you can consult the Growing Instructions included with your box—and also available online—where we provide tips to help your Life Box™ flourish.

The Tree Life Box™: Creating Forests for Future Generations: Seeds sprouting on cardboard with mycorrhizal fungi

The Tree Life Box™ panel is made of recycled paper fiber. In this fiber, we have inserted a wide variety of tree seeds, up to a hundred, dusted with mycorrhizal fungal spores. The mycorrhizal fungi protect and nurture the young seedlings. For millions of years, plants and beneficial fungi have joined together in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.

The fungi "sprout" or germinate to form an attachment with root cells and extend into the soil with a network of fine cobweb of cells called mycelium. The mycelium mothers the seed nursery by providing nutrients and water, thus protecting the growing trees from disease, drought, and famine.

So…..when you plant your trees outside in their permanent home, send us an email with the address—or better yet, the GPS coordinates—of your planted Life Box™. We will collect this data and eventually post the locations on a map of the United States. In the future, we hope to create an interactive Web site so customers can share their experiences. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Exploring Vibrational Medicine

Exploring Vibrational Medicine Exploring Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A really interesting book, with some pretty amazing stuff in it. I have been reading a number of books and watching movies, PodCasts and so forth on the "new model" of medicine (and otther things) based more on the Einsteinian theory of reality rather than the old "physical" cut, hack, and give Pharmaceutical medications--Neutonian model which was based on what the physical eye could observe. Advanced for it's time. But a new time has come.

View all my reviews >>

Friday, March 12, 2010


Friday, March 5, 2010


Aquarius Horoscope for March 2010

By Susan miller

After a long drought, the welcome rains come. This could be the headline metaphor to your life, dear Aquarius. Money is about to rain down on you and when it does, the abundance you see may bring on an overwhelming sense of relief.

You've certainly struggled with a host of unexpected, adverse financial surprises over past years, but March will bring a turning point for the better. So grand are the twinkling planets in your financial sector that you are sure to notice the change. While you won't be completely out of the woods yet - that will happen sometime in the second half of 2010, after July - you are certainly in better shape than you were. With a bit of savvy management, you'll continue to dig yourself out of the financial difficulties you found yourself in the past.